6F Parent Lunch

12:45pm - 1:15pm - Letter to follow

Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning in the School Hall 9:00 am

5R Parent Assembly

Please come to school for 9:00 am.  The assembly will finish approximately 9:45 am.

6M Parent Lunch

12:45pm - 1:15pm - Letter to follow

Children In Need

Children In Need - Children can come to school wearing their pyjamas to support Children in Need. You can make a donation using Scopay

2LA Parent Assembly

Please arrive at school for 9:00 am.  The assembly will finish approximately 9:45 am.

3W Parent Lunch

12:45pm - 1:15pm - Letter to follow

Bailey’s Butterflies Christmas Singing

Parents are invited to come along to the Meadow on Wednesday 7th December to join in Christmas singing with your child.  Mrs Hook will send out more information nearer the time.